Monday, November 29, 2010

Sophomore Slump or Comeback Of

School sucks. If the world really does end in 2012 and we all die, well awesome, I've spent my life in school. Currently I'm in a rut. I cant shake off the laziness that is taking over. I really dread going to school every morning, awful I know. I'll take any excuse to get out of going. Believe me when I say I can write a book with all of my excuses. College is horrible, the temptation to not go because there are about 41213241234 people on class so you know they wont miss you  But yes, school is important, we all know that.Just remember to take a breather every now and then, and enjoy that life is as difficult most days as choosing whether or not you want to sleep in or go to class.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends

I'm so lame for writing this. But they're worth every word.

Girls suck. Boys too. I'm sometimes glad I have like two friends. Really, don't be fooled by the five-hundred and twenty-five I have on Facebook or the one-hundred and thirty-four that follow me on Twitter; half of them are porn sites, gross. The people I thought and continue to think are friends -excluding the three- suck. They're rude, jealous, obnoxious, self absorbed, arrogant, bitchy, annoying, useless, unhelpful, loudmouths... did I say rude? All in all, they suck. It's as simple as stop being so jealous, its not like you really enjoy my company anyways.

And now that you know my status on people, I want to introduce you to the two who have my heart!

Momma Cristina, I love her. If a girl can laugh at everything you say, then she's a keeper. She's a mommy now, which makes me sad. PLEASE don't get me wrong when I say that I couldn't be happier for her and Lee. Baby Lee Daniel Jr -try saying that five times fast- is beautiful, and I love him so much already. But, she has her own family, and life now. I know I'll be a part of it, but I'll miss her. I'm just glad she's here, and If I need anything, at all, she'd help in a heart beat. She exceeds that label of "Best Friend." She is so much more. You'd be lucky and a half to be her friend. You dont find those on every corner. I can talk to her and I know she's really listening. She's like my diary. I just pour it all out. And she'll sit and listen, for hours and hours. Call her Oprah or Dr. Phill, because her advice is impeccable. She should write a book. I'll encourage her one day. As long as I get the dedication. 

Cousins is just another word for Best Friends, or not. Christiana Margarita Yebra; you'd be lucky if you knew her. And unlike me she knows all nine-hundred plus, of her Facebook friends. She's a gem. Lucky for me, and not you, she's always been a best friend. Even as little baby embryos. We've lived thousands of miles a part and spent only a few days at a time together. Like this summer, or last Christmas, pretty much four of the best weeks this year. Or ever. For once we actually got to drive away from Nana's drive way, rather than sit in mom's Mini-Van jamming out to the Backstreet Boys, pretending to drive away. Which was every night she was here back then.
Now that we can, we Jam to LADY GAGA. Who might i add is the best. Our days sometimes consisted of lying in bed next to one another making videos to post on Facebook, or arguing with our parents. But I would easily trade the best day with the Lame-O "friends" I have here in town to lie next to, or sit in a parked car with Christiana and have the most boring day. Because it wouldn't be boring. Love her so much. And if i could yell something out right now, and she would hear, i would say "LOOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH!" 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Story Of A Girl

I'm new. I don't know what to write just yet. Still learning as to how this blog thing works. Diary everyone can read is what I'm guessing?